Thursday, May 15, 2014

Celebrity Encounters

      For two months I've been trying to write a blog about my new employment.

      For now we'll make a long story short. I'm a horticulturalist and was lucky enough to land a job at an awesome nursery/garden center not far from where I live. We opened another location in the beginning of March. I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to go back and forth between the two, and I love it. 

      I haven't become used to the local celebrity scene. Sometimes I forget that I live in an area that has a few "famous" people. And needless to say, I never expect to run into any of them. Especially in my place of employment. Even when I do... I'm clueless!

      Enter Jamie Deen. 

      Someone pulled in one Sunday after we closed. (The gate was still open, so some people pulled in.) Actually many people did, but when it hit twenty minutes after closing time I was getting anxious. I waited on the last person that pulled in. The man had two adorable boys, who were very well behaved. The customer was super nice and very personable. 

      I was clueless to who he was.

      Until I walked into the shop and my boss said, "That's Jamie Deen." He was grinning from ear to ear. I was dumbfounded.

      It seems that because Savannah is so small the celebrities that live here are very recognizable. 

      Enter Kelly. Who is oblivious.  "I just waited on Jamie Deen?" (In my mind I was replaying every word, every action. I asked myself, "Was I an idiot?" :)" My boss just laughed.

      A couple weeks later I was working in the same location when a co-worker approached me during my lunch and told me Paula Deen was shopping there. A smile crossed my face. Our paths crossed a couple times during her shopping spree. I was just excited to see these two picking out their own plants and liking it. I like that they are visible to the public, considering.

     Three days ago I was back in my original location. It has been hot, and it doesn't take long for your shirt to stick to ya, for perspiration to bead along the forehead. After finishing up with a customer I was heading back to where I was originally working when I passed a man that looked familiar. I did a double take. (This man was very worthy of another look, if you know what I mean.) My mind couldn't work fast enough to figure out who he was. I went on with my task at hand, feeling as unclean as ever. :)

      Just a few minutes later I passed a couple co-workers who mentioned that Billy Currington was shopping there. Then it all came together. That is where I recognized him from. He is a country singer. A cute one at that. I had totally forgot that he lived very close to the store. Needless to say I am dumbfounded that I am blessed with these opportunities, no matter how clueless I may be at times! 

      I'm also extremely happy that these people like plants!

      Do you live near any celebrities? Who might they be? Would you recognize them? 

      W.P.I.- One plant that one of these people bought was Durnata. Royal purple, 1/2" blooms that are edged in white lace, are born in grape-like drooping clusters from spring/summer to frost on this large tropical shrub sometimes grown as a tender perennial or annual. In freeze-free climates the Duranta can be used as a hedge or screen or train them into beautiful small trees. In the mildest portions of zone 8B-9 it will often act as a die-back perennial. The blooms are followed by 1/2" golden berries giving it the name of 'Golden Dewdrop'.


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