Monday, August 6, 2012

Downsizing The Past

  It is an ever so popular word used today. Most people cringe when they hear it, but I am going to use it in a fun way. The word is downsizing. Now I am not talking about it in a job sense. I am talking about it in an I-refuse-to-be-thought-of-as-a-hoarder sense!

  That’s right, I am downsizing. I have things that I have had for years and years. Will I ever use them again? Probably not. But they keep on being moved from place to place, collecting dust everywhere they go, and it’s time to say goodbye. Sadly, I just moved two years ago, and didn’t do it then. So one might ask, “Why now?” Well, I have a little more time now, and I’m preparing myself because our new digs in Savannah will most likely be smaller than what we have now. What kind of “things” am I talking about? Thanks for askin! Let me tell ya!

  Many, many moons ago I was a licensed massage therapist in New York state. So needless to say I purchased a massage table. Even though I haven’t practiced massage therapy in years I still lug that table with me every time I move. If you’ve never been fortunate enough to receive a massage let me say that massage tables are not small. They are rather large, and tend to take up some room. Last week I posted it on Craigslist. Last week I sold it! Yes, one item off the list.

  One time I went through a big country music phase. It was the line dancing every Friday and Saturday nights sort of stage. Of course I had to have the correct apparel. I had the jeans, and a few nice shirts. A lovely man I was dating bought me a beautiful cowboy hat. Sadly I thought it was too nice to wear to most places we went. It stayed in its box for years. I have long since moved on from that relationship, but that hat remained with me. I sold that this weekend too! One more “thing” taken off the list!

  The next one is tough. I feel like each and every one of these is a child of mine. It will be very hard to get rid of them. I am talking books. I have so many books that I have read throughout the years that I have held onto. Now I need to say goodbye. So this week I will go to the local library and see if they would like any of them. I feel happier just thinking it is one more step toward Savannah!

  So it wasn’t that bad was it? Downsizing my way has become prosperous, and fun!

Have you had to deal with downsizing lately? Was it a voluntary downsize or no? Have you thinned out your belongings recently? What is the best thing you’ve let go of?


  1. Been there done that when we moved into the new house 4 yrs. will happen again since we will be building and moving again.

  2. It is amazing how much "stuff" gets collected throughout the years! Good luck with your downsizing and upcoming moving! Will you still be in the same area?
