Thursday, January 17, 2013

Websites, Word Counts, and Worries

  For Christmas the Charmed One gave me something a little out of the ordinary. This present brought a smile to my face, but with it also brought fear. To feel and deal with both of these emotions at once was a bit… weird. This gift involved me dealing with computers, and I don’t deal too well with computers. Yes, I can turn them on and get on the internet and play around. But when it comes to more technical I get heart palpitations and break out into a cold sweat. Needless to say I had to put on my big girl pants and deal with it, which I did. After just a few short weeks I’m happy to tell you that my gift was…

  That’s right. The Charmed One bought me! Now, if you go there don’t laugh at how I put it together, I’m still learning. And, if you look at it on the phone I still need to work out some issues with the mobile page. Sorry. But it’s published!!! J

 So with that comes added pressure on my end to actually become published. I can’t think too much about putting the cart in front of the horse like I just did, otherwise I’d start having those panic issues again. I have one goal in mind, and won’t stop until that goal is met. Until then I will continue to reach out and try to get more followers onto the Kelly Ryan Watson bandwagon!

  Yes, the pressures to overcome my fears and build my own website were tough. I even spent an hour on the phone with my web server people trying to figure out why something wasn’t working right. It just must be that kind week. I’ve dealt with some stress over the past few days. One piece of stress was personal that altered the course of our ship. The other was a fun contest I entered.

  Now, the personal stress came Friday. Saturday, still feeling the sting of Friday’s news, I was in a 24 hour writing contest. This was the first time I had entered such a contest and was a tad bit nervous. At exactly one o’clock in the afternoon the people holding the contest emailed every participant with the subject that was to be written about, and word count. I knew it would be a short word count, but honestly I don’t think I’m good at real short stories. I have a hard time with a 4,000 word count short story. I opened my email and saw the subject, which just had to be touched upon, dealt with a flower. BINGO! The word count was 900 words. Yikes. And the people holding the contest emphasized a want for a happy ending. HELLO, that is one reason why I like writing and reading romance. It has to have a happy ending!

  Once I put into my head that many of my blogs are between 400-600 words I calmed down a little. After all, these are kind of like short stories I tell you every week, aren’t they? I researched the flower a little bit, put a couple of characters in my head, and started writing. A few hours later I emerged with an 895 word short story. Phew. I took the final steps and hit submit. Off my little story went, and I felt good. For about an hour. Then different thoughts ran through my head. Thoughts like… I should’ve added this, or I should’ve done that. Self doubt riddled me for the rest of the night, but upon further reflection I think I did good. We’ll see. I’m not holding my breath because I won’t find out results for about six weeks. Until then I’ll keep plugging away!

  Did you get a Christmas present that was out of the norm? How do you deal with stressful situations? What do you think of the website? Are you following me? Would you? Please? J

W.P.I.- The plant that we had to write about was a Galanthus nivalis, or  Common Snowdrop. They flower in early spring (March) and are about 4-6 inches tall. Generally they are used in rock gardens, planting beds, and woodland gardens. Snowdrops like full sun to part shade and live in planting zones 4-7. They will live in zone 3 if you mulch them! Aren’t they cute?

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