Monday, August 20, 2012

That Time Of The Year

So yes, I have declared Reba McEntire to be my ultimate favorite of everything. I can’t help it. It is like we are secret sisters…or something! No, obviously and sadly we’re not, but it is a thought that crosses my mind and brings a smile to my face sometimes! Why am I talking about this? Because maybe I am talking about another favorite today too. What is it? I’ll get to it, hold your horses.

  The kids are heading back to school soon, if they haven’t yet already where you live. That means one thing…our favorite shows will be back on! Reba has a new one coming out on ABC. I am not very enthusiastic about it because every show I like on that station seems to get cut. *sigh* But, its Reba! If anyone can do it, she can. Football season is starting. I like football too. My favorite though is hockey. THAT is what I am ecstatic over. Hockey season soon follows new shows and football. I cannot wait. What is that? You don’t know hockey, or follow it? Say it isn't so! Maybe with a little persuasion from me you might change your mind. See, my second book is about a hockey player. So I had to do a little…er…research. 

  Sometimes a nice picture or two helps to describe certain attributes of a character. Hey, it's always nice to have a picture to reference back to, right? Well, let me show you instead of telling! If you don’t become a hockey fan by the end of this then there’s no help for you!

 Did it work? Did that interest you to at least watch a game? Do you follow any sports? What interests you? Can you see why I LOVE to write?


  1. Ah hockey - how I miss you! Football is really only good for one thing - a distraction until the hockey season starts. If they lockout and delay the start of the season I'll be pretty ticked off.

    My husband knows 2 things for certain - never change the radio station when a Reba song is on and never turn off a hockey game! D

    1. Hello Anonymous! My name is Kelly, and I think we could be best of friends!

  2. Lol. Anonymous is just a friend separated by years and too lazy to enter a profile this morning. Darice

    1. Why isn't that special! I consider us to still be best of friends even after all the years because as soon as we see each other again we'd fall right back into that groove. Years separate but memories unite! Thanks for reading, and commenting!
