Monday, November 19, 2012

Poor Hostess

  Slow cooked stuffed apples. That’s what we had for dessert the last night my parents were here. I found the recipe on Pinterest so I gave it a try. It was right up my alley.  The dessert had very few ingredients, was very easy to make, and was low in sugar. We are usually the type to eat way too much for dinner to make it to dessert, but that night we ate early and had dessert for dinner. It got me to thinking about the time of year, and how many snacks will be inhaled between now and Christmas.

  Years ago when I existed on what seemed to be sugar alone I would make different kinds of snacks. A lot. The space of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas provided for a hotbed of activity in the kitchen. I loved baking many different types of cookies, fudge, and pumpkin rolls. Unfortunately I would end up eating as much as I would give away!

  Why all the talk about desserts? I’m in mourning. I cannot believe that the store bought snacks I grew up enjoying will no longer be. This past week Hostess closed the doors to their business. The company that has provided us with snacks such as Twinkies, HoHo’s, and Cup Cakes will no longer be. It is a sad, sad state of affairs. I cannot fathom the fact that my niece will never get the chance to eat a Hostess made creamy filled sensation. Sure there are others out there, but they don’t match up.

  The announcement brought back many memories. I remember there were many times I would visit my grandmother and we would sit and eat a HoHo together. I recall the times when I would have some extra change and run to the local grocery store after school and grab a package of Twinkies. I can almost taste the golden creamy goodness. Those memories bring smiles.

  A few years ago I gave up most of the sugars I would eat on a daily basis. This included almost all snacks, both store bought and baked. Sadly I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a Hostess snack. Oddly though I felt a sense of relief just knowing they were nestled in on a store shelf near me.

  Hostess ole friend, you will be missed.

  Were you shocked by the announcement of Hostess? What was your favorite snack they made? What is your favorite holiday treat? Do you have any good low sugar dessert recipes? 

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